this is a horrid story and it will be shown on BBC tomorrow night, 17:00 Abu Dhabi time.
Karl had tried to warn authorities some time ago that Egyptian bedouins and doctors were using chimps for organ harvesting and selling them on the open market. apparently organ trading is the second highest trading world wide, second to military arms.
the authorities would not listen, but now it is worse. BBC report will show that egyptian bedoiuns are involved in kidnapping african regugees, cutting them open with only local anethsetic, cutting out their organs while they are conscious, then leaving them to die without sewing them up. if they do this to humans, then obviously the do it to chimps.
mankind suck!
Karl had tried to warn authorities some time ago that Egyptian bedouins and doctors were using chimps for organ harvesting and selling them on the open market. apparently organ trading is the second highest trading world wide, second to military arms.
the authorities would not listen, but now it is worse. BBC report will show that egyptian bedoiuns are involved in kidnapping african regugees, cutting them open with only local anethsetic, cutting out their organs while they are conscious, then leaving them to die without sewing them up. if they do this to humans, then obviously the do it to chimps.
mankind suck!
Person kind - don't just blame this shit on men.....