Thursday, October 20, 2011

21 October, 2011

9 days ago I arrived in Kenya. I can't believe how quickly the days have passed. I, like my chimps, am now set to my daily routine. i wake up at 6am, lean over and turn the heater on and stay in bed for another 15 mins until  enough chill is taken off the air to venture out of bed.

two mornings in a row the sun has come up, for a few hours only. its a blessing but doesn't last long.

I make a cupa, and fire up the technology. at 6:30 one of the mades comes down to let Bili out and clean her room. Bili doesn't interact with me at all. She is a very definite stubborn femalw who does what she wants, when she want. She apparantly missed the last volunteers but doesn't miss them enough to play with me yet. Bili took at least 6 months before she connected with the male volunteer previously, so i've got plenty of time. And its no skin off my nose if she wants to be alone. I can understand that.

at 7:30 Karl and I try and get Bili to come through the gate to Mzere's encolsure but she has only been across once this week. she sits in her tree house and ignores us. this morning she preferred to clean her tree house. Karl gave her a bucket of soapy water and she immediately started washing towels and cloths she had in her tree house then scrub the house with a scrubbing brush. we think she has seen humans do this before and quickly immitates.

Mzere on the other hand has bonded well. i feed him, walk around the outside of the cage, let him groom my eyes. sometimes, in the mornings, she charges and makes it clear who is boss, but usually that happens when i don't announce myself before seeing him.

most of the day i'm going through Karls films and creating a log, so that if he needs to put a film together he can quickly find clips and links to make the film. boring, but at the same time interesting to learn how bad the bush meat and wildlife trade business is. every hour or so i can and talk to the animals or go into town. i went into town with Karl yesterday and submitted my application for temp membership  at the sports club. should be interesting. it is right next to the POMS military camp. i was also invited up for lunch in the big house with Karl and kathy and they invited an English/Aussie neighbour over for me to meet.

4:30 is bed time for the chimps and my time until i go to bed which is normally around 8pm now, since there is nothing to do and no one to talk to.

Friends have asked if i'm happy now. actually no. does that suprise you lol. i have 2 journeys, an external jouney, which i am now living and an internal or spiritual journey, which i started back in melbourne and lost the plot and am now kick starting again. the spiritual journey is more about my lack of connection with myself and addiction to finding happines and fullfillment externally rather than internally. this is a biggy lol, and is going to take time. its an addiction and i'm feeling the withdrawals, which means i must be on the right track :-). i have had many challenges in my life and this will be my greatest.

Hope all are well across the world. I only hear bad news on TV since all i get is Al Jazeera News. 2012 is shapping up to live up to the prophecies from what i am seeing.

take care all

1 comment:

  1. Have you considered that once you are fulfilled externally you can rest and the internal peace and fulfillment will come then. Pete, mate, relax and let it happen.

    He who searches for something that will come to him when he is ready is chasing sayeth NewburySlim
