Saturday, February 11, 2012

11 February, 2012

my posts are few and far between and will wind up soon, as i only have 2 weeks left, if i last that long.

so what has been happening. well my friend Glenda was here for 6 weeks and truely loved the peace and serenity. She is a women that back in Melbourne does not sit still for a minute and she loved doing nothing but sitting still for 6 weeks. Lucky for me she loves cooking and taking over the kitchen and i have added 2-3 kilos in 6 weeks from curries, nanana's jelly tart lol, and muffins. i would polish of 18 small muffins in a matter of days. i would be fatter except she made a vindaloo and just called it a curry. talk about the burning ring of fire!!! she even filled her suitcase with vegemite, blueberries (for the muffins), stuff for xmas, stuff for my bday and stuff for oz day. thanks for the company, gifts and food G. omg if she did that going back into oz she would be on the oz customs tv serious.

G managed to make many new friends very quickly and spent time out of town with a friend surrounded by giraffes, elephants and managed to see a leopard.

On my side nothing else new, but i have resigned and finish up in 2 weeks. on the 24th my beautiful gf (Gloria or more effectionately known as Wabbit lol) will come to Kenya to spend a week with me, then we fly back to Abu Dhabi. i will spend a month in AD deciding what to do next. i have many options. i can continue my journey and head to Panama and Ecuador, which sounds soooo exotic, or i could look into Kerala where there is so much meditation, yoga, ayurverda, rainforest, elephants, or i could stay put in AD and look for a job, or i can decide that Kenya is it, stop roaming the globe and head back to find some land and build a nest lol.

A very good mate is trying to entice me back to Canberra for a contract. could do with some extra cash, but he had to pick the most boring city in oz.

As much as i love Thailand, Borneo and Wabbit coming from Phil and also considering Fiji, i'm losing interest. the longer i stay in Kenya, the more friends i'm making, the more people are enticing me to stay, so much i can do to help them and awesome climate abd wildlife, the less and less i'm thinking about other countries.

i could have bought a fantastic 10acres of land 2 minutes from Nanyuki air strip, 10 mins to supermarket, lattes and muffins and pubs, backing directly on to Mt Kenya reserve so no houses to look at with views at one end to Mt Kenya and the other to Aberdares, for $120k! unfortunately property agents here work a little different and lost the opportunity.

anyone is interested in a joint venture, if i find another large block i'm interested in partnering to build separate homes, with a business like a day spa and a landscaped forest, let me know.

the staff where i am living are wonderful and they are desparate to find me what i want, if only coz they want me to hire them. they dont like the way they are treated here. they tell me while the chimps get 4-5 blankets at night, 3 good meals a day and spoilt with juice and popcorn, they get a small room, a cold shower room, 2 blankets and have to cook meals outside on a fire. they get paid about $100/month which is not enough to feed there families.

the attitudes of westerners here, to the locals sucks. sure in come cases it can be deserved but they would not treat their own people that way back in their own country but believe its ok in a 3rd world country, coz they can.

one of the staff here has 3 fingers missing off one hand. he told me that mzee bit them off when the boss here was getting him to feed mzee. he use to be the gardner. the boss now made him night watchman which he hates coz he can't do much with one hand handicapped.

yesterday the two beautiful dogs had a huge fight. they are both female and the little one (Fleur) is the boss. if i show too much attention to the big one (Blossom), she gets jealous and growls and bites. yesterday blossom had enough of being bossed around and fought back, but neither would back down and it became serious. fleur now has 4 deep bite cuts into her throat and there was blood everywhere. if not for the staff turning the hose on them blossom would have killed her, when i sms'd the boss, he never asked if anyone was hurt, simply wanted to know if it was the staff's fault!

anyway, they get back on wed and i'm considering leaving on thurs. i'm not exactly a people person and i believe animals are far superior than humans, but i can't stand being around someone who treats humans unjustly like that. so we will see.

anyway, that is it for now. i'll post some pics of little fleur who is adorable. she has a beautiful face but just follows me everywhere. hopefully she learnt her lesson about jealousy..... but i doubt it hahahah

Asta Lavista all... i'll be back!

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