Saturday, February 18, 2012

18 February, 2012

well, i moved out of my cabin and away from my dogs and hairy gfs on thursday and scored a great deal next door in the 5 star kenya fairmont safari club resort. i met with the manager here to discuss noise issues with their monthly disco and he shouted lunch, coffee and a tour of the place, pointing out they had long term rental houses. he offered me a 2 week deal in a huge 2 bedroom house, with my own private yard and views across mountains of rainforest to mt kenya, with all resort facilities. how could i resist for 2 weeks before heading back to the desert!

where the cabin with the chimps was a dream, it was also restrictive and cold. i could not have friends come for dinner or have friends long term without being bombarded with stones from bili. i could have easily staid there if i had my own place where i was free to do as i please, but i now have similar in a warm cozy house.

within the next 2 weeks we will be negotiating a long term lease. depending on the rate, this may be my new home. it has exactly what i want, plus resort facilities and staff to clean up lol and views and i dont have to worry about finding land. i can stop the eternal search and have no excuses to be happy and content lol. but we will see how it all transpires over the next 2 weeks.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

11 February, 2012

my posts are few and far between and will wind up soon, as i only have 2 weeks left, if i last that long.

so what has been happening. well my friend Glenda was here for 6 weeks and truely loved the peace and serenity. She is a women that back in Melbourne does not sit still for a minute and she loved doing nothing but sitting still for 6 weeks. Lucky for me she loves cooking and taking over the kitchen and i have added 2-3 kilos in 6 weeks from curries, nanana's jelly tart lol, and muffins. i would polish of 18 small muffins in a matter of days. i would be fatter except she made a vindaloo and just called it a curry. talk about the burning ring of fire!!! she even filled her suitcase with vegemite, blueberries (for the muffins), stuff for xmas, stuff for my bday and stuff for oz day. thanks for the company, gifts and food G. omg if she did that going back into oz she would be on the oz customs tv serious.

G managed to make many new friends very quickly and spent time out of town with a friend surrounded by giraffes, elephants and managed to see a leopard.

On my side nothing else new, but i have resigned and finish up in 2 weeks. on the 24th my beautiful gf (Gloria or more effectionately known as Wabbit lol) will come to Kenya to spend a week with me, then we fly back to Abu Dhabi. i will spend a month in AD deciding what to do next. i have many options. i can continue my journey and head to Panama and Ecuador, which sounds soooo exotic, or i could look into Kerala where there is so much meditation, yoga, ayurverda, rainforest, elephants, or i could stay put in AD and look for a job, or i can decide that Kenya is it, stop roaming the globe and head back to find some land and build a nest lol.

A very good mate is trying to entice me back to Canberra for a contract. could do with some extra cash, but he had to pick the most boring city in oz.

As much as i love Thailand, Borneo and Wabbit coming from Phil and also considering Fiji, i'm losing interest. the longer i stay in Kenya, the more friends i'm making, the more people are enticing me to stay, so much i can do to help them and awesome climate abd wildlife, the less and less i'm thinking about other countries.

i could have bought a fantastic 10acres of land 2 minutes from Nanyuki air strip, 10 mins to supermarket, lattes and muffins and pubs, backing directly on to Mt Kenya reserve so no houses to look at with views at one end to Mt Kenya and the other to Aberdares, for $120k! unfortunately property agents here work a little different and lost the opportunity.

anyone is interested in a joint venture, if i find another large block i'm interested in partnering to build separate homes, with a business like a day spa and a landscaped forest, let me know.

the staff where i am living are wonderful and they are desparate to find me what i want, if only coz they want me to hire them. they dont like the way they are treated here. they tell me while the chimps get 4-5 blankets at night, 3 good meals a day and spoilt with juice and popcorn, they get a small room, a cold shower room, 2 blankets and have to cook meals outside on a fire. they get paid about $100/month which is not enough to feed there families.

the attitudes of westerners here, to the locals sucks. sure in come cases it can be deserved but they would not treat their own people that way back in their own country but believe its ok in a 3rd world country, coz they can.

one of the staff here has 3 fingers missing off one hand. he told me that mzee bit them off when the boss here was getting him to feed mzee. he use to be the gardner. the boss now made him night watchman which he hates coz he can't do much with one hand handicapped.

yesterday the two beautiful dogs had a huge fight. they are both female and the little one (Fleur) is the boss. if i show too much attention to the big one (Blossom), she gets jealous and growls and bites. yesterday blossom had enough of being bossed around and fought back, but neither would back down and it became serious. fleur now has 4 deep bite cuts into her throat and there was blood everywhere. if not for the staff turning the hose on them blossom would have killed her, when i sms'd the boss, he never asked if anyone was hurt, simply wanted to know if it was the staff's fault!

anyway, they get back on wed and i'm considering leaving on thurs. i'm not exactly a people person and i believe animals are far superior than humans, but i can't stand being around someone who treats humans unjustly like that. so we will see.

anyway, that is it for now. i'll post some pics of little fleur who is adorable. she has a beautiful face but just follows me everywhere. hopefully she learnt her lesson about jealousy..... but i doubt it hahahah

Asta Lavista all... i'll be back!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

16th January 2012

Time is almost up here, so what is next.
It has been a fantastic experience. I love working with these chimps and i'm living in the environment i have dreamed of, yet i pack my backpack once again. Why? my life is too restrictive. I can't have visitors coz it might upset the chimps, the cabin is cold at night and my volunteer life is 7 days/week when Karl is home. no great deal really, but not the life i want.
I'm going through a lot of brain and heart turmoil as to where to next. my heart is very much in Africa. love the wildlife and pockets of rainforest, but when my head kicks in with the checklist, funding makes it impossisble so far to find everything i want. yeah i know, greedy!
Biggest problem here is security and medical. many europeans who have been here for 20 years are starting to think if they should move home now they are in the 80s, where there is good medical and hospital facilities. do i really want to be in that position in 30 years?
The weather and wildlife is the best thing here! awesome. land pricesses are not too bad. Can possibly set myself up with a few acres and home for around $100k, but can't get rainforest, elephants and lattes & muffins for that.
So, my journey continues. options being:
  1. Sarawak / Malaysia - has orangutans and great location for finding occassional contracts and to see family. but humid tropical climate and had no luck finding property prices on the internet. all rainforest land is categorises as AGRICULTURE and westerners CANNOT buy agriculture land. this is how Malaysia manages to destroy all orangs habitat and stop guys like me buying it up to protect the orangs. i think the Malay govt will really piss me off over time. for residence visa need to put $50k in a malay bank and monthly pension of $3k /month. i'm not that rich lol.
  2. Philipinnes - cheap homes and cheap to live but reputation of dangerous. My girl is Phil and unfortunately she says she is so use to living with bars on windows she would not sleep if we lived somewhere where we did not have this on our home. resident visa requires $20k in their bank. also has the tropical humid climate.
  3. Thailand - always a favourite of mine. love the buddhist culture, people and food and great location for finding occassional contracts and to see family. . beaches down south are good. but very little rainforest, mainly in Krabi and Phuket which is way too touristy. also humid tropical climate. sorry, but where i am now has the best climate in the world. 25-28 degrees every day of the year and cool to cold at night which is great for sleeping. just wet (boggy) and dry (dusty) season which is fine to me. for residence visa need to put $25k in a malay bank and monthly pension of $2k /month. i'm not that rich lol, but westerners cannot buy land, unless its a business. may have to build a yoga retreat.
  4. Bali - not always on my list, but up around Ubud is suppose to beautiful rainforest, meditation, yoga and also great location for finding occassional contracts and to see family. good choice if i keep away from the aussie bars lol. dont know about visas.
  5. India - another new option. Glenda tells me a place called Kerala may have what i want as far as rainforest, elephants, tigers as well as a centre for ayuverdic hospitals, ashrams, meditation and yoga. again great location for finding occassional contracts in dubai. not sure of the climate and visa issues. i dont think westerners can buy land, only lease.
  6. Panama / Costa Ricca - love these places. can buy rainforest land, good retirement benefits. good adn cheap medical and hospitals. good climate, i think. bit of a risk being on a volcanic fault line, but hey, its 2012 so what the hell. problem is, so far away from family and contracts. will have to learn spanish
  7. Ecuador - oooh, really cheap homes. great selection of environments to live in whether be hot beaches or cool mountains. on the door step of the gallapogos islds. not sure about hospital and medical. resident visa only requires a pension of $800/month.
So, I'm looking for a quiet peaceful environment where i dont hear or see people unless I want to. surrounded by rainforest, sitting on my balcony or in my spa (lol) sucking back a JD and overlooking valleys of rainforest with the sound of a running river. a warm to hot climate with little humidity and be able to feel safe without the need for bars on windows. Cafes and resturants within a 15 mins drive for my human primate, latte and muffin hit.

What do you suggest?????

Saturday, January 14, 2012

15th January 2012

We have a wildlife night camera which i have been putting out, just down from my cabin. we then place salt on the ground for the elephants. here are some happy snaps lol.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

10 January 2012

I took Glenda on a mini safari this week to Sweetwaters Game Reserve. The reserve is about 3,000sq mtrs of kenyan country side totally fenced in to protect a plethora of african wildlife including elephants, black oryx, black and white rhinos, reedbuck, zebra, jackal, waterbuck, gazelle, hippos, impala, hartebeest, leopard, giraffe, lion and warthog.

it was only a 45min drive to the reserve, mainly due to the rough road, then we drove around the reserve from about 8am till 2:30pm. we saw most of the wildlife except for the lions. of course, we should have been there yesterday.....

for a first timer in africa it was a good introduction, but really didn't get up close and personal with elephants or lions.

our guide told us there was talk of a leopard kill, so we went looking for the leopard. we never found it, but we found a couple of jackals eating the remains of a fresh kill.

while we are driving through the park in the safety of our car, cattle hearders and park staff are walking around the park as if its a zoo with caged animals.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

15th December 2011

well, after 2 months i worked up the guts to inside the enclosure and get up close and pesonal with cool. as soon as i walk in, he takes me for a run all through his little forest, which is quite difficult at my height trying to run bent over. he picks up a rope and runs, wanting me to catch him and grab the rope, but he's quick and if i do get it, he soon takes it back. he is twice as strong as me and bigger teeth, so he wins every time.

i'm also his chew toy, but he is not as gentle as when i let him chew my fingers through the cage. occassionally he will slow down so we can groom but mostly he is hyper when i go in and wants to run and chew.

Karl did a video of me and mzere but its huge. i need to learn how to edit it so its small enough to upload.

bili is coming into her monthly cycle. she through rocks at my window coz i didn't give her attention and when i did go out, she ambushed me. but later she played and ran and did summersaults while i was with her which is a first after 2 months. i didn't hang around to see if it was a ploy just to ambush me more. i'm learning a lot about women from her hahaha... only joking of course lol.

Ive been looking around and thinking WAY TOO MUCH about here and if its the place to settle. unfortunately i cannot find anything like where i am staying now. very little forest and mountain land so prices are high. flat land i can get for as little as $2,500/acrea.. if only that did it for me lol. i could live out in the bush, flat almost like savanah type land surrounded by wildlife, but my dream has always been sitting in a spa on my balcony with a bottle of JD looking down a huge valley and mountains of rainforest.

if i was happy to not have a home of my own, i could live here quite cheap looking after chimps until either the chimp or their owners die. i can live on $100/week at the most. but my heart is aching for a home. i've roamed so much, i need to stop and settle. surround myself with my stuff and nest lol.

there are too many options of where to live cheap; ecuador, costa ricca, panama all sound great, but logistically too far from family and work opportunities. thailand and malaysia are good bets, so i think thats where i will head next year.

i've made some friends here and involved in other charity work taking health care to the regions of Kenya, so it will be sad to leave, but africa is not for everyone. even with my love for their wildlife.

if anyone would love to donate to help this charity, let me know. they need $250k per year to run mobile health services out in the regional areas, trying to stop the spread of aides/hiv and also stop young young girls getting pregnant and suffering shocking abortions.

thats the lastest folks. stay safe and live life to the fullest